Not-Review: Hentikan Pernikahan Ini by Harum Manis
Gooooood afternoon ladies and gentleman, this is Hibiki FM and today we have a very special album to cover, one by a local scene member under the group name Harum Manis!
These are the many thoughts that I have tried to put into writing.
Gooooood afternoon ladies and gentleman, this is Hibiki FM and today we have a very special album to cover, one by a local scene member under the group name Harum Manis!
Gooooood afternoon ladies and gentleman, this is Hibiki FM and today we have a very special album to cover, one by a local scene member under the group name Harum Manis!
Well, it’s been quite a year haven’t it. This will probably be a short recap wouldn’t it. It shouldn’t be, but it will. It’s 7:32
have you ever yearned for freedom? to be released from the chains that pulls you down? to soar free and spread your wings? to those
Hi welcome to this January review of things that happened around me and a collection of all the interesting things I’ve been doing for the past month.
This is a note for my future self to read. To remember the worst year you’ve had in 19 years. A pandemic unprecedented. For all
Badan Otonom Economica: Merpati Muda Badan Otonom Economica. Sebuah organisasi jurnalistik-keilmuan, salah satu organisasi tertua di FEB UI. Tidak ada rencana di awal untuk ikut
Fyuh, akhirnya setelah… cek kalender… hampir dua bulan proses kegiatan mahasiswa baru selesai aku dapat duduk tenang di depan komputer tanpa harus memikirkan tugas dan
Dunia ini lebar, banyak sekali hal menarik yang terjadi di luar lingkaran kita. Dengan bantuan internet, semakin mudah bagi kita untuk memperluas wawasan dan melihat dunia lebih dari yang ada di sekitar kita.
The Great War adalah sebuah channel Youtube yang bercerita tentang sejarah perang dunia pertama seratus tahun semenjak bermulanya perang pada tahun 1914.
Dunia Yudhis © 2018