Not-Review: Hentikan Pernikahan Ini by Harum Manis
Gooooood afternoon ladies and gentleman, this is Hibiki FM and today we have a very special album to cover, one by a local scene member under the group name Harum Manis!
Namaku Yudhistira Gowo Samiaji, biasa dipanggil Yudhis. Blog ini adalah hadiah ulang tahun ke-8 yang diberikan oleh orang tuaku. Aku seorang Homeschooler dan blog ini adalah tempat aku menuliskan kegiatan yang aku lakukan.
Sebagai seorang pembelajar mandiri, sebagian besar keterampilanku aku pelajari secara online dan tanpa melalui lembaga formal. Aku memiliki minat yang sangat lebar, antara lain desain grafis, sejarah, filsafat, dan programming.
Sekarang aku terdaftar sebagai mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis di Universitas Indonesia.
Apakah sekolah satu-satunya cara untuk sukses? Adakah cara lain untuk belajar tanpa harus terkunci dalam struktur yang kaku seperti sekolah? Mau tahu cara belajar anak yang tidak pernah sekolah tapi berhasil diterima kuliah di Universitas Indonesia?
Buku ini bercerita tentang perjalananku, sebagai seorang praktisi homeschooling. Cerita perjalananku hidup tanpa pernah bersekolah membangun portofolio karya, magang di perusahaan, hingga diterima kuliah di Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia. Banyak cerita baik dan buruk yang hanya baru keluar di buku ini.
Anda dapat memesan buku ini langsung di:
Gooooood afternoon ladies and gentleman, this is Hibiki FM and today we have a very special album to cover, one by a local scene member under the group name Harum Manis!
I am a paladin without an oath. What I offer is loyalty and faith towards the shared ideals we create together. Would you like to work on our longest collaborative project together with me?
yea.jpg. a book that wraps up the last five years of my life, y’know?
Maybe I just miss my kaicamp friends. Maybe I just miss amir. Maybe I just miss the ingroup that I had back during covid. Maybe I’m just at the end of a period and I need to put to rest what has had, and move on to something new.
I don’t have a 2023 recap unlike my last two years. I feel like the next 5 month will be full of introspection and recaps from the last 5 years and so I didn’t write one.
Good Evening, “Nobuparty” was a 12 month sociological study conducted by Universitas Indonesia. We are now complete with our study. Thank you for your time.
the base of everything, my entire philosophy of life and death, one that encompasses everything between heaven and earth, is the breath.
Be strong, strong enough to be as sensitive to the world as you can, to face the doom head on, and still walk forward.
Crouched down with my hands on my face, I look at the many design schematics laid on top of a wooden table in the middle of a room.
Dunia Yudhis © 2018