- A concept that plays around in my head is the idea of “space filling processes” which is a class of things that if given space will expand to fill that space, and that realising this helps with keeping things that might grow in check.
- I think that knowing which processes are space filling is good because then you can give them space and they will fill said space. This is also important so that you don’t accidentally neglect things that are space filling and either accidentally kill it or be abundant.
- My image of a space filling processes isn’t like capitalism that eats the world or something like that, it came from me looking at my back garden and the nature that grows there. An ivy will grow beautifully slithering up the pole, but it will also grow to fill a box.
- A plant if given sufficient water and nutrients will grow to the best of it’s ability. Sometime it will grow into a beautiful bush, sometime it will grow and make a mess in your garden. When working with space filling processes it is important to understand how it grows.
- Space filling processes is useful because it’s ability to grow without you meticulously working on it. By doing one thing (watering), you can get so many other things (branches, leaves, fruits, flowers, oxygen, etc). This relationship is true for more things than you think.
- By doing one thing (exercising at the gym every day) you get many other things (jacked, healthier, better relationship with your body, etc). By doing one thing (writing your hearts out on twitter) you get many other things (best friends, self knowledge, gf, etc).
- Habits have these qualities, but it’s good to keep them in mind in the greater sense because they exist not only within you but also for other things as well. Things that are “natural” and “consistent” usually ends up becoming space filling processes.
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