HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! Or at least a belated birthday, since my birthday was a couple days ago, at 17th of May to be exact. Anyway since I’ve passed another big milestone in my live I need to get my life back on track once again.
It has been a hectic few week with all the event going around like the Paket B test and BINSER. And because of that I haven’t really gotten around to deciding what I want to do. So since it coincides pretty good with my birthday, I thought why not create a plan for what I want to achieve in the next year.
There are a couple things that I really wanted to do for quite sometimes and that is getting some proper certification for things that I believe I’m good at. This is to make sure that I actually good at it and not just me saying it. I want to take the IC3 Computer Test, Adobe Certified Expert for both Photoshop and Illustrator, and also IELTS to prove my English skills.
As for the new things that I want to do, I really want to start volunteering and helping during events and such. I’ve decided that I will allocate 30 days from the next year to volunteer. Either volunteering for social events, corporate events, or any other event that might need volunteering.
I also want to start writing again. I’ve been trying to start writing for the past couple weeks and those haven’t been doing so well because for some reason I’m just really bad at allocating time to write. So one of my plan is to write the day before or even two days before so I have more time to make the post and hopefully I will be able to stay consistent throughout the year.
Another thing that my parent have been wanting me to do once I reached 15yo is to go and work as an intern somewhere. Now I really want to do that and I have started with STAR (Student Associate Program) from Student Job, but I want one where I’m actually learning and working in an office for a company. My main target this year is Manikmaya, the Indonesian board game company that produce games like Manikmaya and Mat Goceng.
Also another thing that I need a big practice is to learn how to accompany people singing with the guitar. This is a must needed skill that I just haven’t practiced yet, mostly because I’m more used with playing solo songs. There have been many and many opportunities to play and jam out with everyone, that I missed because my lack of accompanying skills. And I’m sure that there will be much more opportunities to play so this is a big must for me.
For outdoor activities, I want to start doing theater because I love acting and drama in general. There is a place nearby that I might go to start my adventure in theater. And I’m gonna start doing more swimming and dancing to offset the big decrease of basketball in Rockstar Gym for my age.
Last but not least I’m starting two games of DnD 5e, one for my Klub Oase friends, and another one for my English speaking friends. They will be playing in the same world, same kingdom, same guild, but different mission. It’s gonna be a lot of fun.
And that’s it I guess for today. First post from my 15yo self I think. Marked as the first post of my whole writing practice process. Let’s see how my writing fare at the start of my 16yo self.