Today i started the third module of Andrew Price’s Architecture Academy. In this module the building that i was creating was a real building from real live called the Guggenheim Museum from New York.
This module is much-much easier from the previous one purely because there’s no plant here. Also we could easily get where the focus point in this building, and that’s in the beautifully complex skylight.
The only tricky part in this module is the window because it’s literally the most complex scene with more than 10 object to create it. The rest is relatively simple with some screw modifier and we already achieve the sloping floor, and for the lighting it’s just a Panoramic 360 View and one Sun Lamp with a strength of 4.
And just like the model the material is really simple with some diffuse mix together with some glossy and a noise texture to add the bump. The glass is just the usual glass and transparency with light path as the factor. Here is some screenshot, a test render and the final render.